Blog post ideas
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Running out of blog post ideas? There’s no reason to panic. It happens to all of us. On this ground, we gathered a list of original blog post ideas that are battle tested and have proven to be effective at getting you more website traffic.

If you’re feeling stuck, read this post to find inspiration on what to write about – and get past the writer’s block that we all have to cope with from time to time.

Let’s get to it! 👇


This is one of the most popular and common blog post ideas, if not the most popular. If you’re new to blogging, lists are posts where you feature numbered items, such as best tools for a certain purpose, strategies to perform better in various activities, tips on a specific topic, ideas for inspiration, ways to accomplish a goal, reasons why something is/isn’t working, etc.

This very post you are reading now is a list post, for reference. 🙂


If you’re not familiar with how-tos, they basically teach readers how to do a certain thing or take a given action by featuring and explaining each step of the process. They are do-it-yourself posts that apply to any topic of interest.

Apart from explaining the steps in a very precise manner, how-to posts provide screenshots and resources that the readers can access in order to learn how to put the theory into practice.

A how-to post can be about anything. For example, how to peel an orange or how to create a blog.

News posts

Regardless of what your niche is, you can always publish posts on what is new in that niche. If there’s a new game-changing, impactful story in your industry, you can make a post around it while it’s still hot. Present the facts and the implications this news story has in your community.

Product reviews

Next on our list of blog post ideas is one that probably makes sense to you just from reading the subheading. Reviewing products that fall under your niche is an easy way of generating a stream of optimized blog content. Say what you like or do not like about a product that you have used / tested yourself, be it digital or physical.

At the end of the post, you can justify why you would recommend it or not.

Try reviews for blog post ideas that work

Product comparisons

They’re similar to product reviews, however, product comparisons involve more than one product per post. You can present at least two products that serve the same purpose and put them against one another, comparing their features and offers.

You can break a comparison post into categories/traits and point out how each product performs in each category.

Tutorials and guides

One of the most common blog post ideas that you’ve almost certainly come across is a tutorial. Through a tutorial, you can share your knowledge with the reader. The goal is to offer them an in-depth understanding of a topic, so they will be able to take action following your advice. Think of a tutorial as a presentation in which you communicate your expertise to people who are interested in learning about the topic in question.

A tutorial can include how-to content, but it does not sum up to this. For instance, in a tutorial, you can add overviews, pros and cons, practical examples, instructions, rules, and interactive elements. The final goal is to help the users advance in acquiring a skill.

Case studies

A case study is an in-depth article where you describe your experience with a product or a process and tell readers about the results you got or the impact that the product/process has had on you.

Case studies are valuable to readers because they show them roughly what results they can expect if they use the same product/process in a similar way.

Case studies are a blog post idea that bring widespread value

Editorials and opinion posts

If you have authority in your niche, then writing opinion posts should be on your list of blog post ideas because it can potentially generate some good traffic to your site. Of course, opinion posts can include controversial takes on a topic as well, but it’s entirely up to you how you want to approach your article. Just make sure you know your subject matter well if you plan on stirring the pot.


Having guests on your blog is always awesome, especially if they represent your niche. People love reading success stories and learning about new perspectives from the ones they look up to.

Internal releases and events

Since you have a blog, you might as well use it to announce what’s new in your own yard. Are you planning to release a product (e.g. software, book, newsletter) or host an event with your community? Let everybody know via a blog post.

Expert roundups

Expert roundups can be really fun because they involve interacting with other people. To make a roundup, you can invite customers, experts in the field, your blog readers, or team members to answer a question or share their insights on a topic.

This kind of post relieves you from writing the entire content yourself. It’s the guests who are creating the bigger part of the article for you. You come up with the idea, and they contribute.


If you like to experiment with varied content, you can try infographics. You can take an article that you’ve already published and turn it into an infographic. You can also create an infographic from the ground up – by researching a topic and then putting your findings together in a visual form.

If you don’t know how to create infographics yourself, you can always hire someone to do that for you via Fiverr.

Series of posts

Think of a complex topic that you can break up into parts or chapters and make a series out of it. For instance, “The history of music: Years X-Y” or “How to start a business: The logistics.”

Working on a series of posts can fill up your publication calendar for weeks.

Written courses

If you have a degree or vast experience in a field, you can teach others how to grow their skills in it, too. You can write individual posts or a series of posts meant to teach valuable insights about that topic.

The course can contain theoretical concepts, practical exercises, examples, and tests for students to consolidate their learnings.

If you want to take it to the next level, you can use special WordPress plugins that turn your website into an e-learning platform. Learn more about that here.

Expert guest posts

When you want to diversify your content but don’t have the full expertise to talk about something you are interested in, you can invite an expert to write a guest post on your blog about that topic.

History posts

I gave this example for the series posts, but you can put this blog post idea in a category of its own. Take aspects of your niche that have not been documented enough and reveal their beginnings. “The history of…” are the kind of posts that pique people’s curiosity.

Interactive content

When you believe that text is not enough, include interactive elements that make your content more engaging – quizzes, polls, calls-to-action, mini-games, and other things that visitors can interact with as they skim through your posts.

Transparency reports

Blog post ideas don’t come anymore revealing than these types of blog posts that go behind the scenes of your journey as a business or blog. Being honest with your readers this way helps you build a relationship with them and also is a form of giving back to the community – by sharing your first-hand experience.


Through surveys, you can satisfy your own curiosities by asking questions and letting your readers respond. Once you get enough responses, publish your findings in a blog post.

FAQ posts

Every niche, every business, every area of expertise has its set of frequently asked questions. Gather them all in one place and share your answers.

If you’re not sure what the exact questions are in your niche, browse popular forums for inspiration.

Content curation

Content curation means actively monitoring what happens in your niche’s blogosphere/media and collecting the most interesting and valuable stories in order to publish them in a blog post of your own.

This is particularly useful to readers who do not have the time to do the research themselves but want to stay up to date with what’s going on in the niche they love.

So, through content curation, you bring people all the links that stand out in a given period of time in your niche by writing a regular wrap-up post of the best reads of the month or week (the intervals are up to you).

The only important thing you have to remember is to always link to the original sources of the information. Learn more about content curation here.


When you reach a certain authority and popularity in your niche, people will love to hear recommendations from you, be it tools you use, places you’ve visited, things to do in a given situation, people you admire, etc.

What’s trending

You can make this one a regular post on your blog and decide upon its frequency. Present the coolest things of the month/week in your niche – products, quotes, tweets, ideas, pictures, etc. For example, shots of the week in tennis.

Articles about your personal and professional experiences

When you try something new – either a service, a tool, an event, a volunteering role, an investment, a marathon, or anything you can think of – you can write an article about how you perceived it. You can criticize or endorse the activity based on how your experience was.

Ask me anything

An AMA session involves your readers. You can end up with two posts from an AMA. One in which you ask your readers to share their curiosities and questions via a form or the comments section and another where you answer all the entries.


Tell a story from your personal and/or professional life. Or, about anything that you find interesting for your readers.

Visual posts

Through visual posts, you also tell a story, but you are doing it by using pictures and multimedia files (like GIFs, memes, or Google Stories).

When you write a post that has more visuals than text, it means it’s a visual post.

Photojournalism is an example of visual content, as well as a post that features illustrations, cartoons, charts, infographics, videos, and all things media-heavy.


People like numbers and trivia. Collect all the curious statistics and facts about a given topic and put them together in a separate post.


If you love doing experiments that have to do with your niche, you can document them in a post where you can feature the testing phases, the results, and the conclusions. People like to see cause-and-effect evidence.

Myth validation or debunking

I bet you see a lot of popular sayings or rumors from your niche and people asking questions about whether they’re true or not. You can take advantage of such myths and make posts about them where you can validate or debunk them with arguments.

Customer input

Feature your customers in a post and showcase the way they are using your products. List the projects they have built with your product or the routines around which they use your product.


Offer small gifts to your readers in exchange for something you care about at that moment: a share, a comment, a like, a download, a subscription, etc. You can give away books, free licenses to your product, T-shirts, vouchers, a free drink at a coffee shop you partner with – anything you can think of that might be a cool gift for your audience.

Failures and learnings

Talk openly about your failures and learnings in your personal life as well as in your profession. Share your struggles and your successes in the activities you undertake.

Pre-event and post-event stories

When you attend an event, take time to write a post about what your expectations prior to the event are and what went down after it concluded (especially if you enjoyed it very much).

Causes, movements, and initiatives

If you support a cause, initiative, or movement, write a post revealing that and explain why you stand by it. Maybe your followers will be interested in joining it too. Or, maybe you will open doors for new followers that support the same causes.

Team introduction

If you have a team, introduce the members to your readers. Talk about their jobs, hobbies, interests, and life goals. This is one of those blog post ideas that can have spillover positive benefits beyond the post itself. Depending on how you approach it, you can leverage the idea to help build team camaraderie among your members or staff.

Annual conclusions and learnings

You can make a habit out of writing an annual post with learnings and positive things that happened throughout the year to you and your business. A sneak peek at what’s about to come makes for a good addition, too.

Solutions to problems

Tackle problems that constantly occur in your niche and propose solutions. Or, raise awareness about things that do not go well and could use improvement.

Cheat sheets

Gather a list of materials with quick and useful references to a topic that your readers can bookmark for further uses. Say, a glossary of specialized terms, math formulas, code snippets, records, etc.

Challenges and projects

If you join a challenge or a project that takes place during a limited period of time, you can document the progress on a regular basis (e.g. “Running Challenge: Day 1”).

This kind of post motivates people to build habits themselves and stick with them. If you run any kind of fitness-related website, then this one should be on your personal short list of blog post ideas.


Immortalize meaningful moments of your life and profession by writing posts about them. For instance, when you meet someone you look up to, speak at an event, sponsor a conference, or organize a team contest.

Pros and cons

If you want to help your readers by giving them realistic views on a topic, you can utilize a pros and cons type of post for your blog. In terms of blog post ideas, it’s really a no-brainer.

For a post like this, you take a product, service, behavior, or habit, and break it down into what is positive and negative about it.

Present objective arguments and facts about the benefits and downsides of what you choose to talk about. For instance, “School at home: pros and cons” or “Electric cars: pros and cons”.

This way, people will get the full picture about whatever topic you’re discussing, which will ease their decision-making.

Partners and partnerships

Every time you partner with another blog or brand for a longer period of time, you can announce that partnership to your readers and explain why you made this decision. Share the values that you both have in common and how the partnership will improve the quality of your content.

Sponsored posts

When your blog grows big enough, you will probably receive requests to write sponsored posts from other brands. As long as they align with your principles and you reveal that they’re sponsored, you can give this approach a try as well.

Product showcase

If you’re running an online business, then you need blog post ideas that showcase your products, services, or whatever else that your business is about. As a business, you should never assume that people are familiar with your products and that you don’t need to remind them every once in a while.

This type of post should be written in a conversational tone, and limit all marketing talk to a minimum.

Locked posts

This one of those blog post ideas that has the potential to be a double-edged sword. It’s because it’ll either make visitors take action, or leave your site right away. When you lock a post, you restrict access to it unless the visitor does something to unlock it.

Those who love your content will probably take the extra step. Those who don’t know you very well will leave. But it’s worth giving a shot. You will learn new insights about your audience.

“Thank you” posts to your customers or readers

Through these posts, you address the customers or readers directly by making them part of the growth of your business or blog. You can thank them for using your products and for reading your content. Or, you can let them know that it’s the anniversary of the blog, to which they contributed over the years. Make them feel part of the family.

Ideas from readers

Last but not least, pay attention to your readers’ questions, concerns, comments, or proposals. They can be a great source of inspiration for your next blog post ideas. Or, ask your readers directly via a post what they would like to hear more about. Then, pick the best ideas, do your research, and write the post.

Need more blog post ideas?

If you’ve been running out of blog post ideas, you should now have more than enough of them to last you at least a couple of months.

Bookmark this article for future reference and feel free to come back to it whenever in need.

Did we miss anything? Let us know about any other blog post ideas that worked for you in the past.

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