How to Create a Portfolio Site on WordPress (In 8 Steps)

Lacking a professional portfolio can severely impact the types of client or employer you attract – especially if you're a freelancer. Many won't give this step due care and attention because they think it's too complicated, or don't know where to start. However, creating a professional-looking portfolio site on WordPress is a piece of cake! By the time we wrap this article up, you'll know how to create a basic (but elegant) portfolio site on WordPress in eight steps.

30 Landing Page Examples From Real Brands (2023 Designs)

You often hear about the importance of landing pages for businesses. Perhaps you’ve already read some articles focusing on landing page tips or on best practices when creating them. However, this is all just a theory. A better way to get insight into what your own landing page should look like is to analyze actual landing page examples that real brands use.

5 Best Personal Website Builders (Two Are Free)

Are you looking for a website builder that’s suitable for a personal site? Maybe you won’t ever find the perfect one, but at least you can look into some of the best personal website builders that bring the most value for this purpose.

8 Best Note-Taking Apps for Work and Personal (Most Are Free)

It’s hard to remember things if you don’t write them down. This is how the human brain works. Be it a single word, a short list, or larger docs…the scope doesn’t really matter. We need tools to save our ideas for later. What you’ll see in this post is a list of the best note-taking apps the market has to offer.

10 Best Language Learning Apps for Adults and Kids

Learning a new language might sound like a hard task - we've been there before. But there is no reason to panic. We have many online resources at hand that ease our job a great deal. If you use one of the best language learning apps that exist on the web, you will be able to study at your own pace, in a way that suits you.

How to Use Google Trends: 9 Tips to Improve Your SEO and Rank Higher

Maybe you have heard of Google Trends before and know a thing or two about how it works. What you might be missing, however, is some actionable tips on how to actually use it to your site's benefit. That's why we're here! What you'll read next is a guide on how to use Google Trends for a variety of purposes.